Our Low-Waste Diaper Bag
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Bringing a new baby into the world has its own challenges, but packing a diaper bag shouldn’t be one of them! Even as a first time mom, I knew that I wanted to be as simplistic (do I dare say minimalistic?!) with the things I packed with us on the go. Now that our baby girl is 3 & 1/2 months old, I have a pretty good idea of what works for us when it comes to a simplistic diaper bag. So if you’re looking for some ideas in that department, keep scrolling!
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I’ve been looking forward to making this post for a while now! I didn’t want our diaper bag situation to be overwhelming, so I put together a list of the main things we bring with us when we go out. From breast balm to cloth diapers, this post covers it all!
(This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, I receive a commission for my referral, at no extra cost to you.)

-A KAVU backpack vs standard diaper bags-
Simply put, purses and typical diaper bags just aren’t my style. Even though we’d get a ton of use from a regular diaper bag, I never liked the idea of having to lug one around with us for the foreseeable future. So, I decided to grab one of my Kavu bags from the closet and that’s all I’ve used since! They’re my go-to when it comes to bags, so why not use it for diapers, too!?
One of the reasons I love KAVU bags is their versatility! I’ve used these bags as my ‘purse’ for years. I’ve taken them on hikes, camping trips, and everything in between.
I love it because it’s not too big, yet it has multiple compartments so I can fit everything in it. (And although my husband isn’t a fan of backpacks in general, he doesn’t mind carrying this one at all!)
There isn’t much to bring along with a 0-6 month old, but we do have a backpack option that’s slightly bigger for when we might need to pack more things like snacks, baby food, and teether toys. But until then, I’m all about keeping it simple with my Kavu!
Tip: when you’re out at thrift stores, make sure to check the bag section… I’ve found most of the ones I own for about $6 each!
–Maybe the most important thing… diapers!-

Cloth diapers have become one of my favorite ‘baby items’ thus far! I adore the cute prints on the covers, the baby-friendly material of our 100% cotton prefolds, and I really love how cost effective they are. Once you prep the cotton and get the right fit with the one size PUL covers, they’re almost entirely blowout-proof!
We use unbleached cotton prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers. Their absorbency is amazing and they can be folded in so many different ways to meet your needs! We’re currently using the yellow lined size (small), but we’ll be moving up to the brown size (large) in the next few months. I’ve linked them below so you can check them out for yourself!
It seemed a little daunting at first to cloth on the go, but it’s only slightly more complicated than having to change disposables. But it’s totally doable!
For the times when it’s just more convenient to use a disposable, we like the Millie Moon brand. We’ll keep a few of those in the bag just in case.
I’ve started using cloth wipes as well, but I only use those while we’re at home… disposable baby wipes get used the rest of the time! (Also Millie Moon brand!)
-Wet bags, ziplocks, and disposables–
If you’re going to use cloth diapers, then a wet bag is a must have! We got ours from Petite Crown- I love the bee print so much! (We even have a diaper cover to match)! I use the wet bag to store dirty prefolds when we’re on the go, but I also keep a quart sized zip lock to put covers in in case they get dirty. (I like to keep them separate from the cloth until I get home to rinse them).

A gallon sized ziplock will work for this as well; it’s just less ‘reusable’ than a wet bag, which can be tossed in the washer anytime it gets dirty!

- Baby Birds: A Helpful Rescue Guide!
- Backyard foraging- 3 wild plants that grow in our yard!
- Our Low-Waste Diaper Bag
- Hummingbird Nectar- A Helpful Measurement Guide.
- Painting and Wildlife – A Few of My Favorite Things.
–Front pocket things (mainly for mom)-

The front pocket is perfect for some of the things I keep with me most of the time. My ‘mom balms’ (more on those below!), an all natural bug repellent lotion, my SuperLysine+ balm (for when a darn cold sore pops up), and some homeopathy packets- currently cold calm! I also keep a tube of Earthley‘s Black Drawing Salve Stick in my bag which has come in very handy, especially during summertime! Bugs seem to love my husband and he always ends up with red, itchy bites that annoy the crap out of him. He puts some of the salve on as soon as he feels a bite and it always brings relief! The activated charcoal in the salve helps to draw out the toxins to reduce swelling and take the itching away. It can also be used for splinters, poison ivy, and more- It’s a great thing to have on hand!

–Mom balms and baby powder!-

I think it’s pretty safe to say that I love all things Earthley. But when it comes to diaper bag items, these 3 are my favorite! I’ll link them all below so you can get them for your own diaper bag!
First, Breast Balm.
It has been such a help in preventing cracked/chapped nipples. As a momma who breastfeeds on demand 24/7, I’m not too sure how I’d be doing without this. Frankly, I don’t really wanna know! Haha
I love that it’s baby safe, which means that I don’t have to wipe it off before my baby nurses.
I’ve also found that it’s very helpful with soothing any bumps or scratches my baby gets on her skin. I feel like I could use it for just about anything at this point!
Second, Milk Flowin’ Salve.
Who knew something so simple could be so effective? Whenever I get sore spots on my breasts, I rub some of this in and within no time, I feel relief! Castor oil, rosemary leaf, lavender buds, and candela wax work together to keep your milk flowin’ (hence the name), and boy does it help!
Lastly, the Herbal Baby Powder!
I refuse to put harmful chemicals (commonly found in brand name baby powder) on my baby’s sensitive areas, so this is the perfect alternative! Rosemary, lavender, and calendula make for the perfect mix of herbs to add to your diaper change routine… Just a light dusting is all you need! Your baby’s booty will thank you!
Simple, clean ingredients are important to me, and Earthley’s products are made with just that. What you see on the label is exactly what you get! If you have any questions about these products, feel free to reach out in the comments below! I’ll be here to answer them as best as I can.
P.S. New customers can receive 10% off of their first order by using the code “ newtoearthley ” at checkout!

Speaking of breastfeeding- make sure to check out my very own handed stamped keychain, inspired by my daughter and our breastfeeding journey… it’s the perfect reminder of the bond that’s created during this special time. Tap the image below to see the listing in my Etsy shop, TheVinylCactus!

-Change of clothes + an extra burp cloth-

This one doesn’t need much of an explanation. Blow outs happen. Spit up happens. You never know when you’ll need an extra outfit, so it’s best to keep one on hand in case.
Tip: Babies grow out of their clothes fast! Make sure to keep the spare outfit up to size or else it might not fit the next time you go to use it!
Been there, done that! Haha
I also like to keep a small Cloth-eez liner to use as a ‘travel burp cloth’. It’s the perfect size to use after nursing in restaurants, stores, or wherever else you stop for a feed! Just set it on your shoulder and you’ll hardly even know it’s there. I linked it below so you can check it out for yourself!
-Waterproof mattress pad as changing table cover-

I’m not a huge fan of public changing tables for obvious cleanliness reasons, but I love keeping a waterproof liner with me if worst comes to worst! (The trunk of our car has been the usual on-the-go changing station so far. The pad works well there, too!)
-Haakaa pump + nipple shield-

I love my Haakaa pump! It’s lightweight, cordless, and doesn’t take up hardly any space (or electricity) at all. I can throw it on in the car for longer drives, and even though I don’t usually need it while on the go, it’s helpful to have just in case.
My nipple shield, on the other hand, comes with me wherever I go! It’s something that helps my daughter latch, so I need it at every feeding. Mine came with a little travel case, which is super handy!

-Not pictured, but helpful to have:
•Glass bottle with size 0-3 month nipple for milk that gets collected. Our daughter is almost exclusively breastfed, but we do offer her an occasional bottle (usually for longer car rides) with the milk that I pump/collect!
•My Elvie collection cups (Not pictured because I’m always wearing them! Haha)
•Water bottle for mom- my Hydroflask is always with me!
•Snacks for mom (and dad!)
•My Wildbird ring sling. It doesn’t go in the diaper bag, but I bring it with me wherever we go!
•Hand sanitizer
•My wallet… can’t forget that!

When all is said and done, you just have to do what works best for you and your family. If you need to pack more things, go for it! Maybe you like even less things? No problem! As long as you bring what you need, you’ll be good to go.
I enjoy sharing what works for us in case you’re like me, who finds it helpful to bounce ideas off of other mommas to make things as easy going as possible. Being a mom is hard work, but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t change a thing!
If you found this post helpful in any way, please share it with your friends!
What are some things you like to keep in your baby’s diaper bag? Let me know in the comments below!