Hello, there! My name is Morgan! I am a wife, momma, traveler, a huge fan of animals, and a certified Wildlife Rehabilitator. I started this blog as an outlet for sharing information and exploring the many topics that relate to wildlife. Here you will find conservation tips, product alternatives, and animal adventures that have led me to where I am today!

My husband and I got married on New Year’s Day of 2018. We met each other back in middle school when I was 12 & he was 13, and a few years later he asked me to be his girlfriend on New Year’s Day of 2013. (So yes! We got married on our 5 year anniversary of dating). He is my best friend, my greatest supporter, and I am a better person because of it.
Shortly after our SoCal-to-Seattle-and-back honeymoon road trip, we decided to team up and start our first full-time business, Euphorbia Records. It is an online record store where we sell vinyl records, CD’s and cassettes. We named the business after our favorite type of poisonous cactus, the Euphorbia Ferox. Since it began, we have shipped thousands of items all over the world, and our customers have left us nothing but positive feedback in return. My husband is a Certified Recording Engineer, and he is the main component for running our record store. Although we run this business together, I decided to look for an additional way in which I could continue to work from home while still supporting our bank account. (All while still being able to help my husband with our business, of course!) I felt the need for a greater purpose, and I am confident that this blog, along with my current education plan, will lead me to my goal of not only providing for my family, but by helping others in their quest for knowledge of wildlife.
Here’s a little back story on how I ended up returning to school…
After spending three years at a community college with very little to show for it, the thought of going back to school was far from my mind. But upon searching the internet for a reliable wildlife rescue that would take in our newly adopted Canadian Geese (you’ll get to hear all about this story later!), I came across a school that has a great program for Wildlife Rehabilitation. Amongst the loud peeping of our sweet goslings, it was as if my conscience began cheering for me, saying, “This is for YOU!”. And so, that started me on the next part of my journey to become a Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator!
How did I develop my passion for wildlife? Growing up, my mom and I were known as the animal whisperers on our block. Over the years, we took in multiple baby squirrels, one loving Virginia Opossum, 3 orphaned Skunks, a few American Crows, and plenty of baby birds that were quickly released after being checked out and confirmed that they were after all, just delicate fledglings. And most recently, my husband and I were the foster parents to 4 goslings. But again- more on that later! Animals have always been an important part of my life, and I think it was just meant to be!
As I mentioned above, this blog is meant to be an outlet for sharing information and exploring topics that relate to wildlife in one way or another. I’ll give insight regarding conservation issues, alternative product options (like organic and cruelty-free products), as well as sharing the many animal stories that I have encountered throughout my frequent travels and adventures.
I am excited to share this journey with you; Make sure to check out The Wildlife Diary for new blog posts arriving soon!